Singh also said that if these apps were connected through social networking websites, it would be difficult to stop them. The Maharashtra cyber IG Brijesh Singh told that he is “looking into the matter and gathering further details about such a fraudulent app and will proceed ahead to ban it”. The TC, making his enquiries, located the mobile apps that the accused had used to make fake ID cards, including Aadhaar and PAN card, easily. All Smith and Warren badges are backed by an exclusive Full Lifetime Warranty. According to a Ticket Checker (TC), he had collected more than 150 fake identity cards belonging to the police and high ranking officers from the accused, using their own pictures. Custom made Smith and Warren Police badges produced in USA. The Government Railway Police (GRP) and the city police recently arrested a few persons in possession of fake identity cards. The state cyber police, who is inquiring such fraudulent acts, said it may ban them if required. Mumbai: In a city like Mumbai, where the ticket checking staff often checks the passenger’s ticket and identification proof in a hurry to ensure the city’s safety, some mobile applications that help create fake identity particulars have come under the scanner of city police and railway authorities.